Access to Services

This category captures all the work that is being done to improve access to services

Free health checks in Newham workplaces

Newham Council in partnership with Newham Health Collaborative is offering free cardiovascular disease (CVD) health checks in workplaces across the Newham until March 2025. These checks are quick, easy and done by trained professionals who will come to your workplace.…

Play Newham 2024 Survey

The Newham council leisure and park team are committed to ensuring that children and young people have access to a high quality play offer. We understand that access to good facilities can help shape a child, impacting their physical activity…

Good Thinking

Good Thinking is a free online service supporting the mental health and wellbeing of everyone in London, in a way that works for them. They provide a range of safe, proactive and early intervention tools to users, including faith-based resources.…

World No Tobacco Day

Quit Well Newham delivered two outreach events partnering with Change Grow Live (CGL) Newham Rise and Blakeberry Pharmacy to mark World No Tobacco Day on the 31st May 2024. This was an opportunity to call on the borough’s smokers to…