World Breastfeeding Week 2024

In Newham, we celebrated World Breastfeeding Week 2024 with a focus on the local infant feeding offer of support available to parents and their babies. This includes:

• Antenatal classes
• Baby Feeding Helpline 07534249611
• Baby Feeding Cafes
• Starting solids workshops
• Peer support

Breastfeeding has many benefits for both mother and baby, including nutrition, emotional bonding and reducing costs. In line with our aim of increasing the proportion of mothers exclusively breastfeeding, we have expanded the infant feeding support available.

Local libraries had special displays of books that feature breastfeeding, healthy eating and growing up. There were also free arts & crafts sessions for children to print colourful pictures using different fruits and vegetables.

Our final event at the Baby Feeding Café in East Ham Library brought together partners across the infant feeding system. Councillor Wilson also joined the event and spoke to parents who benefited from the specialist guidance and opportunities to make friends with other parents at the Baby Feeding Café.

For more information on the infant feeding offer in Newham, visit our keeping your family healthy page

There are many resources available to share with residents and raise awareness of how they can access help with feeding their baby, including this video