Blood Pressure Check Campaign

The NHS launched a new blood pressure testing campaign on 11 March, encouraging those aged 40 and over to get a free blood pressure check at their nearest participating pharmacy. 

High blood pressure is the largest treatable risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) which can lead to a fatal heart attack, stroke, kidney disease or vascular dementia. CVD causes 1 in 4 deaths in England. 

Research has revealed that there is a common misconception that high blood pressure is not a serious concern and a lack of knowledge that hypertension presents with no symptoms in the majority of cases. 

The campaign aims to encourage people aged 40 and over, especially those who are more likely to have undiagnosed high blood pressure (typically those who are older, especially 55+, regularly drinkers, smokers or living with obesity) and those more likely to suffer poor outcomes from CVD, into the recently expanded capacity in pharmacy. 

Do share and join to help find the estimated 4.2million people in England who are unaware that they are at risk. 

For more information,visit find a pharmacy that offers free blood pressure checks – NHS (