Health events to help residents fast safely during Ramadan

The LBN Public Health Team has been working in partnership with the NHS to deliver free events at Mosques and libraries ahead of, and during, Ramadan to encourage residents to fast safely and make healthy choices about their diet. Healthcare professionals, including doctors and nutritionists, have been providing advice at the events about managing and preventing Type 2 diabetes, guidance on alternative options due to a particular condition or illness, as well as healthier food alternatives to open fasts. Over 150 residents attended and received support and information at the events.

The Qur’an requires Muslims to fast from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan. However, people who are ill or have medical conditions do not have to fast. This can include people living with diabetes. Newham Council is encouraging diabetic Muslims living in the borough to check with their healthcare team before deciding to fast. They can review and consider how their diabetes is being managed and whether fasting could put them at risk.  Please share all the useful information and advice on diabetes management on the Well Newham website with residents.