16 Days of Activism

domestic abuse

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign to challenge abuse. We are supporting the movement to promote Newham’s zero tolerance approach to abuse as well as raise awareness of domestic abuse support services and learning opportunities for professionals. For more information, visit www.newham.gov.uk/16days.

In honour of this period, various events will be taking place across the borough including a domestic abuse awareness session for residents on the 27th of November at Stratford library and a female genital mutilation awareness session for professionals on the 5th December via Zoom.

We act
In 2022-2023, there were 6,477 incidents of domestic abuse in Newham reported to the Metropolitan Police. Data shows 78% of perpetrators are male. To combat and prevent gender-based violence in the borough, we launched the Domestic Abuse Strategy and Action Plan 2022 – 2025 last year. Developed in consultation with survivors, residents, domestic abuse services and Newham services, it takes a community-based approach to understanding each survivor’s lived experience, as well as the testimonies of family and friends.

2023 has seen us launch two new services aimed at supporting domestic abuse perpetrators aged 18+ of all genders and backgrounds, in order to change their behaviour. We continue to place the safety of all survivors and their families at the heart of our domestic abuse responses.

We listen
Following resident and survivor feedback about wanting easier access to support, we now run domestic abuse drop-ins at Newham University Hospital, children’s centres, within CYPS MASH services, the Newham Family Hub and in our libraries. For residents and survivors who want to get involved in shaping services, we have created the Newham domestic abuse co-production group.  Please share these contact details with anyone interested in joining: email [email protected] or call 07976716741. 

We support
For free confidential advice and support on Newham’s domestic and sexual abuse services, residents can contact Hestia 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Telephone: 0808 196 1482
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.hestia.org

We know financial challenges can make it difficult for domestic abuse survivors to leave the perpetrator, so it is vitally important that survivors know there are services that can support them. For more information, visit www.newham.gov.uk/costoflivingresponse